Current and Optimal Practices in Childhood Asthma Monitoring Among Multiple International Stakeholders

Pediatric Asthma is a chronic disease requiring regular monitoring. publication by the PeARL think tank describes for the first time the range of actual monitoring practices globally and compares them with practices perceived as optimal. With 1319 health care professionals from 88 countries participating, there was consistency both between and within different countries in paediatric asthma monitoring. Thus, e.g. visits for severe asthma in children take place every 1-4 months and last for 10'-40' in the large majority of settings. Symptoms, control, adherence to treatment, comorbidities and lung function are the top priorities for monitoring. An unmet need to intensify between-visit monitoring, taking advantage of mHealth tools was revealed.
Paediatric Asthma in Real Life (PeARL) is a think tank set up by the Respiratory Effectiveness Groupconsisting of health care professionals, clinical academics, and expert patient representatives with expertise in and professional exposure to paediatric asthma. Asthma monitoring was prioritized in a previous PeARL Report evaluating unaddressed clinical needs in pediatric asthma.